Partner With Yourself First
We all want happiness and lasting love, especially after divorce.
But if you want to find the perfect guy for you the second time around, you have to be willing to Partner With Yourself First!

Does This Sound Like You?

I'm smart, successful, and loving.
I'm not living the life I imagined for myself.
I'm tired of being alone and getting nowhere.
I'm ready to date but afraid of making mistakes.
I'm looking for my partner, lover, playmate, and best friend.
I'm longing for shoulder to lean on for the rest of my life.
I'm open to new ideas and willing to date differently.

Partner With Yourself First Is For You If...

You've accomplished everything except finding the true love of your life.
You're ready to attract and keep the love you've always dreamed of having.
You want to know what makes a relationship last.
You want to know how to choose the right life partner.
You want to have a happy, healthy, forever love story and marriage.
You are willing to become a confident, conscious dater.
You want to beat the 68% second marriage divorce rate.

By The End Of This Series You Will...

Know how to create your own love story that never ends.
Know exactly what you need to find and keep lasting love.
Use a proven process to screen men for compatibility without seeming needy, weak, demanding, or insecure.
Have your final five "must have" qualities you need to look for in your next partner to get it right.
Be able to determine if the men you meet have relationship potential so you don't waste your time.
Have the secret to having your choice of wonderful compatible men.

What Can This Series
Do For You?

Partner With Yourself First is not a cookie-cutter workshop or webinar.
Our Series wil show you how to find and keep lasting love.
It will tell you what sort of man is naturally most suited to you.
It will tell you which romantic relationship qualities you have to keep long-lasting love.
It will put you in front of men who create emotional chemistry with you.
It will give you a list of your personalized Connecting Questions to discreetly seek compatibility.
It will show you how to avoid men who would only create toxic relationships.
By the end of this series, you'll be a confident and conscious dater who knows how to identify and attract only compatible men. You'll leave the uncertainty and fear of choosing the wrong partner behind you. You'll experience, for the first time, what it's like to predict your romantic future accurately and confidently.
We promise that, after completing this series, you'll have everything you need to feel comfortable jumping into your next long-term relationship.

What Makes This Series Different?

You have just found a way to assure yourself your next time around will be your last.
Let's begin by thanking Dr. Ty Tashiro, researcher and author of What Really Matters in the Quest for Enduring Love, and Dr. Helen Fisher, neuroscientist and author of Who Should You Love - Why Him? Why Her?.
Their scientific data on how to find and keep lasting love is profound, giving singles what they need to know before picking a life partner.
No other relationship/dating coach out there educates their clients in the science behind forever after. Your first step to having a successful long-term relationship is understanding what makes relationships last. We call this Partnering With Yourself First.
I am here to offer you something no other coach can...
A journey that will take you behind the science of forever after.
What is it that you need to know about yourself to choose the right partner this time?
What keeps romantic relationships together? What should you be looking for in a partner?
What questions do you need to ask the men you meet to create emotional connections that lead to intimacy and forever-lasting love? How will you know he is "the One"?
This is the Series that will give you your answers!

How Much Does This Cost?

High quality, one-on-one coaching requires a lot of training, expertise, and legwork.
One recent survey by the International Coach Federation, the gold-standard accrediting body for coaches, found that top-tier coaches were charging anywhere from $375 to $607 per hour for their services!
We understand that financial uncertainty is an unavoidable part of life for many divorced women. We're also aware there's no shortage of shady businesses out there that prey on the fears, anxieties, and dreams of single ladies.
Because Compatible Connections is committed to helping all women find the love of their lives after divorce, we've deliberately under priced our services. We've built our business around the idea that any woman re-building their life after divorce should be able to afford our services. We believe in putting the needs of prospective clients, not profits, first.
Our standard rate for coaching services is $125.00 per hour, which puts the total cost to enroll in our Partner With Yourself First Signature Series at $750.00. If that seems like a lot of money upfront, don't worry! We offer flexible payment plans. We also offer our clients a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if they're not dating differently by the end of their first coaching session!
Every divorced woman knows in her bones that choosing the wrong partner can be a costly mistake. If you're ready to date and want to do things right the second time around, we'd urge you to consider this Series a worthwhile investment in yourself. We offer divorced women something no other coaching firm out there can: a chance to learn everything you need to overcome past mistakes and find real lasting love.

I'm Interested! What Are My Next Steps?

Upfront we want you to know there are no rules to follow, no list of things to do to land a man in 30 days, nor is there a reason to blame yourself if “he's not that into you.”
Helen Fisher, Ph.D., the best-selling author behind Why Him? Why Her?, claims “a better understanding of who you are will help you find and keep the love you want.”
If you're a smart, successful, divorced woman who's serious about choosing the right men for you, open to discovering empowering qualities you've always had but never used, and willing to date deliberately to get into the arms of your forever after, this is an opportunity you want to take advantage of!
We ask all our potential clients to schedule a 30-minute Discovery Session with Coach Bernadette so we can get acquainted, answer any questions you may have and see if this transformational series is exactly what you're looking for.
This time let's base the most important decision in your life on the science behind forever after.
To get started, click here to schedule your Discovery Session directly through our website.
E-mail works too! Reach out to us at bernadette at compatibleconnections dot biz.
You can also call us directly at 215 - 968 - 4694.
We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to help you answer the important important question of your life:
"How do I find true love after divorce?"
We understand that every women's situation is unique and that you might still have questions.
We'd love to help you learn more about how Compatible Connection's services can transform your love life by putting you in front of ideal potential partners.
Click on the icons to contact us via
(hello at compatibleconnections dot biz),
(215-968-4694), or to
a 30-minute Discovery Session.