The One Secret To Attracting Ideal Men
Let's face it: most single women feel like an awful lot of work goes into finding a great guy. But what if I told you there was a painless way you could overcome this limiting belief?
Have you ever heard the expression “If you want to know what you're attracting in your life, take a look at around you”? What this means is that you're naturally attracted to what you think you need, not who you really are! And not knowing who they really are is the main reason divorced women have such a difficult time finding their next relationship.
Most divorced women date randomly, allowing things like first impressions, chemistry, or sheer physical attraction lead them from one bad relationship to another. While chemistry is an undeniably important part of any romance, by itself it's a poor prediction of a relationship's long-term success.
Compatibility, on the other hand, is the glue that holds a relationship together. It's the foundation on which you and your partner can build and sustain a happy life together. Compatible partners complement each other's lifestyle choices, habits, interests, core beliefs, and support each other's personal passions and life goals. Compatibility allows couples to fan that initial spark into a deep and meaningful connection that extends far beyond a great first date.
The first step towards finding a great guy is learning to recognize genuinely compatible partners, but before you can recognize a genuinely compatible partner you have to understand what's most important to you. What qualities does your Mr. Right need to have? What are the character traits that you just can't live without?
Most singles can't answer these questions easily because they truly do not know their core values, their basic romantic needs, their love language, or their ideal man's personality and temperament. And that's unfortunate, because these things are compatibility's not-so-secret ingredients!.
I've built my entire coaching practice around this simple belief, and I know from first-hand experience just how transformative this shift in perspective can be. If you think you're ready to have your last first date, reach out and let me know. I'd love to help you discover the fabulous single you already are!
Wishing You All the Best in Life & Love,About Coach Bernadette Smith, MCC
Bernadette Smith, MCC is a certified dating & relationship expert with over a decade's worth of experience. She is the funder of Compatible Connections, a boutique coaching firm that specializes in helping divorced women become confident, conscious daters.
You can read more about Bernadette's coaching certifications here.
You can read Bernadette's personal bio here.
We understand that every women's situation is unique and that you might still have questions.
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